Tafeileh Indusrial Estate

Tafeileh Indusrial Estate

 It is located on the road linking Tafila to the Amman-Aqaba road and away from Tafila city (22 km)
 The first phase of the estate was developed on an area of (500,000) m2 out of the total area of (1000,000) m2.
 The construction of the first phase has been accomplished with a total area of 10042 m2 of standard factory buildings.
 Several industrial sectors will be appropriate in this estate, the most important of which are food, pharmaceutical, engineering and metallurgy, chemical, paper, packaging and light industries.
 The company’s Board of Directors has ratified an incentives and reductions in sales prices and rental for developed and standard factory buildings.


Contacts Information
0790079875 - 0795159944
P.O. Box:
950278 Amman 11195 Jordan