The Director General of the Jordan Industrial Estates Company, Omar Juwaid, and the President of Yarmouk University, Dr. Nabil Al-Hilat, signed a MOU in the field of cooperation to hold training courses and workshops, prepare consultations and various technical services, and provide training opportunities for university students in the companies within the Industrial Estates.
The MOU is based on the importance of linking Jordanian universities and the industrial sector within their strategic plans in a way that contributes to supporting industrial development, increasing local added value and enhancing the national economy, by creating an integrated system that works to develop the capabilities of all concerned parties and find creative solutions, in addition to directing projects, systems and scientific research. The university aims to meet the needs of the industrial sector and develop its competitiveness.
The terms of the MOU provides for cooperation in holding training courses and workshops, providing and preparing various technical consultations and services, and the possibility of seeking assistance from the expertise of faculty members and workers at Yarmouk University to participate in holding training programs such as consultations, training courses and diplomas for workers at the Jordanian Industrial Estates Company, and the technical services it implements. The company, after agreement between the university and the concerned companies, on the administrative and financial details of these programs.