The Jordan industrial Estates Company (JIEC) revealed a growth 60% in the volume of 2020’s investments compared to 2019, as the invested capital of (107) contracts (New & Expansion) that have been signed in 2020 amounted to 91.3 million Jordanian dinars, while it reached 57.1 in 2019, and expected to provide 1422 new job opportunities.
The Director General, Omar Juwaid, stated that the positive results achieved in 2020 reflect the attractive investment environment in Jordan and particularly the industrial estates, despite the challenges posed by the Corona epidemic, which affected all economic activities around the world.
The new investments were located in Sahab, Irbid, Muwaqar, Karak and Mafraq, in addition to the new estates (Salt and Madaba), and they operate in multiple industrial sectors, mainly in the food, chemical, engineering, medical and other sectors.