The Director General of the Jordan Industrial Estates Company (JIEC), Mr. Omar Jwaid, stressed the importance of keeping abreast of developments in the field of public safety techniques and reducing risks, to ensure the safety of workers and the maintenance of facilities.
This comes during an induction workshop with anti-fire equipment and explosions in facilities organized by one of the industrial companies operating in Al-Muwaqqar Industrial Estate .
In the presence of former Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Halaqah and former Chairman of JIEC, Eng. Amer Majali, as well as a number of experts and specialists in the field of public safety.
Mr. Jwaid called on the need to adopt various methods and keep abreast of all developments in this area to provide a safe working environment that guarantees the safety of enterprises and their employees.
Since its inception, JIEC had committed their companies to fulfilling all public safety requirements and continued their awareness-raising programmes in that area through numerous initiatives and the exchange of modern experiences and experiences in the world of public safety and property conservation.
Axsos Industrial Board of Directors, Hamid Al-Nebbatit, said that: the company has reviewed a number of advanced anti-fire and explosion technologies in the presence of specialists from several official and private entities.
The workshop reviewed the main developments in the field of public safety as the importance of making fuel tanks and gas canisters explosive resistant, developing the explosion control system, and facilitating firefighting operations by extending the time available to extinguish fires by reducing the intensity of the explosion.