Jordan Industrial Estates Company and the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature signed an investment agreement on Sunday at the society's building to establish a specialized factory using "drip irrigation" technology in the Al-Hussein Bin Abdullah II Industrial estate in Al-Karak Governorate. This initiative is part of a project to stimulate agricultural industries in Jordanian industrial estates, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture.
According to the investment agreement, the factory will specialize in using drip irrigation technology, known for its water-saving capabilities, environmental friendliness, and its ability to decompose in the soil after a certain period. It also helps maintain moisture and provides significant quantities of reused irrigation water in agriculture.
According to a joint statement, the factory will benefit from the investment incentives offered by the Jordanian Industrial Estates Company in Al-Hussein Industrial estate.
These incentives include those specific to existing agricultural investments in Jordanian industrial estates, as per the partnership agreement signed earlier this year between the Jordan Industrial Estates Company and the Ministry of Agriculture. The aim is to encourage agricultural industries in industrial estates, in addition to investment incentives granted in Al-Hussein Industrial estate, including a 75% discount on electricity bills for the first two years, 50% for the third and fourth years, and 25% for the fifth year. The Estate is also included in the productive settalite program, and there is support for handling costs for goods manufactured in the estate at the Aqaba Container Terminal.
It is worth noting that the incentives granted for agricultural investments in Jordanian industrial estates include financing for renting existing buildings in these estates by the Ministry of Agriculture for investors interested in establishing agricultural industries, in accordance with the agreement signed between the two parties.