Jordan Industrial Estates Company (JIEC) announced that the number of applications for investing in Al-salt Industrial Estate reached (16) requests in various industrial sectors, which coincides with the company's stimulation pace to complete the first phase with a size of (238 000 m2) out of the total land of the estate with a size of (472 000 m2).
Meanwhile, the CEO of the company, Dr. Jalal Al Debei said during his meeting with the president and the members of Al Balqaa Governorate Council that this estate will start operating in the mid of 2018, considering it to be one of the main economic and developmental factors of Balqaa Governorate, as it will contribute positively to the economy and create around (1600) job opportunities since it is strategically located near the human resources and on the main road networks that connects it with all areas and governorates of Jordan.
Moreover, Dr. Al Debei added that Jordan Industrial Estates Company (JIEC) is ready to promote this industrial Estate, along with the three industrial projects currently being implemented in Jerash, Madaba and Tafila, stressing the importance of joint coordination with the Governorate council to support the promotional efforts to market the Industrial Estate.
For his part, the President of the Governorate Council Musa Al Awamleh endorsed the efforts of (JIEC) and its national role to renaissance Industries in Jordan through its industrial Estates which are located across all Governorates of Jordan; he especially endorsed Al-Salt industrial Estate because it will boom the economy in the Governorate. He also stressed the readiness of the Governorate Council's members to host the industrial investments in the Governorate in coordination with (JIEC).