Jordan Industrial Estates Company signed a memorandum of understanding with Al-Balqa Applied University in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Mohiuddin Touq. This MOU aimed to qualify them and honing their skills by implementing training programs in partnership with the university that enables them to enter the labor market by allocating part of study plan for training in factories located in the Industries Estates also enables them to use laboratories and industrial companies to conduct experiments for the purposes of scientific researches and graduation projects.
On the other hand, the company signed MOU with the Ministry of Agriculture, within the framework of several memoranda signed by the ministry with a number of public and private sector institutions to implement the national afforestation plan aimed to increase the green areas in various regions of the Kingdom, where the ministry will contribute according to the memorandum signed by the Minister of Agriculture, Engineer Ibrahim The Shehadeh and on behalf of the company are its general manager, Omar Juwa`id, by providing seedlings of all kinds and caring for them, and providing extension agricultural services at the various sites of the company's industrial estates.