The Director General of the Industrial Estate Company, Omar jewed , presented lecture to the 17th session of the defense students at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Industry and National Security" in the presence of the college commander, Ali Al-Maqableh, the head and members of the steering committee in the college.
During the lecture, Jewed reviewed the stages of the development of the industrial sector in Jordan through the various stages, especially in the 1980s , which witnessed the establishing of the JIEC, which came with the aim of finding two economic and social development and reducing the randomness of establishing industries and their geographical dispersal, so that the industrial estates are the most appropriate place to gather these industries and provide them with the main services and support side by side with the distinguished incentives for establishing any investment project.
During the lecture, Jewed discussed the industrial estates, which are currently (6) industrial estates operating in the various regions of the Kingdom and four industrial estates under construction in (Salt, Madaba, Tafila, Jerash), the operational industrial Estates are hosting until the end of the year 2019 ( 829) companies representing several industrial sectors with total invested capital around (2.8) billion JD and generating more than ( 65) thousands jobs, which constitute 28% of the total workforce in the manufacturing sector.